of Cabarrus County
Y.A.M stands for the Young Adult Mediation program. This program used to be called Teen Court B. This program allows participants ages 18-25 to repair any harm caused by their actions through Mediation. Once they have complied with all the requirements, they are eligible to get their case dismissed on their next court date. This is an opportunity that is given to get the case dismissed or closed out without further legal precautions.
In participating with the program, there are community service hours that need to be completed and turned back in for review. This allows the participant to reconnect with the community by giving back. The charges range from underage drinking to trespassing.
Attorneys are typically the ones who will ask the judge if they are able to recommend a client to our Mediation program. If you have a misdemeanor charge, are within the age range, and this is your first offense- you can ask your attorney for more information if you are eligible.
There are general assignments that need to be completed in this program. They begin AFTER the first appointment with the coordinator. You may NOT begin on assignments before the initial appointment. They will not be counted towards your dismissal if dated before your appointment.
Some of these assignments include:
Community Service, Essays, and other requirements that are talked about during the appointment.
If you can not find your paperwork and can not remember what your assignments were, please contact me through phone or email for a copy. Please remember that we are available to help you when you feel stuck or can't find community service. Asking is better than giving up and waiting until the last minute.
Feel free to reach me at (704) 786-1820 ext. 1 or admin@nomoreconflict.org
community service
Part of the responsibility of working towards a dismissal is going out into the community and providing volunteer services. We offer different options as to what you can do or where you can go. Something that is explained in the appointments is the importance of respect. Each business will determine individually if they will allow you to volunteer with them. Different projects and options are provided on our website. If there is something you see that interests you and you would like to volunteer with, please call and ask. We will need to review the location with you to see if it's appropriate and acceptable.
Please click on the button for different community service sites. Read each one carefully as to where it is located. We have added locations from Concord, Kannapolis, Charlotte, and surrounding areas so that something will be available close to where you live.
Feel free to reach me at (704) 786-1820 ext. 1 or admin@nomoreconflict.org.
If you need a new COMMUNITY SERVICE LOG, click the button.
If you are unsure of what to write your essay on, use the following questions below to guide you. Remember, this should be a reflective essay on what you were charged with.
1) What was your charge?
2) What happened that day that you got into trouble?
3) How did you feel? Who did you think about when you got into trouble? Parent/Guardian, friend, yourself?
4) If you could go back and change things, what would you have done differently to avoid being charged?
5) What do you plan to do in the future to make sure this doesn't happen again?
6) What advice would you give someone who wants to do the same thing you did?
7) How has this affected you personally? In your life?
8) What does the law say about this charge? (Please include a 'Work Cited' page showing where you got your facts and information from)
9) What do you plan to do after your case has been dismissed in court?
10) What are your future goals moving on from this?
Q: How long does this process take?
A: If your case is going through court, your attorney will have to fill out a form requesting information on your case and permissions to enroll. Once they have gathered all the information, they turn back into the court and they have to approve the case. This may take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months. It depends on how many cases are pending and when it will be reviewed. Once approved, it is then put into our box to call and set up and appointment with you. Everything else following this depends on you and how quickly you can turn in the assignments and when the next class is available. We typically see participants complete the program between 2-3 months.
Q: How can I check on the status of my case?
A: You can call the coordinator directly and ask what assignments are left to complete. You can also email me to ask what the status of your work is.
Q: What if I can't come to make a payment in person?
A: We understand that with different schedules making a payment in person may not be possible. You're able to make online payments by filling out the form below and clicking on the amount you'd like to pay. You will then be able to pick the amount you'd like to pay and be taken to our PayPal screen. Let us know if you have any further questions.
Q: What do if I don't have Microsoft Word to type my essay?
A: You may use Google Documents if you have a Gmail account. Use it like a normal document and save it as an attachment. Send to our email, admin@nomoreconflict.org with your name.